GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE – Introduction to Burst and Weapons

The epic ride of GODDESS OF VICTORY: Rising to prominence in the gaming community, NIKKE is a free-to-play, real-time, third-person shooter role-playing game. Players assume the role of endearing female androids known as the NIKKEs, who stand as Earth’s final line of defense against the Raptures, a group of robots bent on eradicating humans, in this fast-paced virtual world.

GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE is a multifaceted game that captivates you as an exciting hero collector and draws you in as an immersive role-playing game. In the ever-changing three-dimensional environments, many heroes may be obtained via various tactics, with the gacha system holding sway. 

In this complex environment, the initial steps are crucial. Your compass in the Nikke team-building labyrinth is this beginner’s guide. With this guide, you may create teams that accurately represent your preferred gameplay style, whether they adhere to the meta or deviate from it. This will allow you to customize your experience in this enormous world to suit your preferences.

What Is Burst?

The “burst” is a critical component that drives Nikke’s fighting mechanics. In the game, there are three different burst categories for characters or units: Burst 1 (B1), Burst 2 (B2), and Burst 3 (B3).

Every successful attack a unit makes adds to the “burst gauge.” The fact that this is per hit is noteworthy since it suggests that Area of Effect (AoE) attacks may produce a more excellent burst gauge each turn. Certain characters have more burst gauge points than others because they are more skilled in this area.

Your B1 character starts the “burst chain” and uses her burst once the burst gauge meter is full. Characters from B1 through B3 execute their blasts in a systematic order. When there is a tie between two burst kinds, the auto mode prefers troops on the left. Your squad enters “full burst mode” when the B3 burst is finished.

The AI of every character in this “full burst mode” lines up their target with your manual aim (or targets the same adversary in auto mode). Some characters have special abilities that only work in full burst mode, significantly increasing the damage you can do. The burst meter resets to signal the start of a new cycle after the burst phase, lasting 10 seconds.

Maximizing the powerful “full burst” duration will allow us to initiate burst chains as often as feasible, which is our strategic objective. For a chain to be complete, at least one of each sort of burst must be present. It takes at least two B3 troops to achieve an entire explosion every 20 seconds since B1 and B2 units have a 20-second cooldown and B3 units have a 40-second cooldown.

An effective team’s foundation consists of one B1, one B2, and two B3 units; a fifth spot is available for a “sub” role player. This “sub” is a member of the squad who makes a substantial contribution without needing a flash outburst.

These might be characters (Poli, Noise, etc.) with powerful bursts and lengthy cooldowns, characters (Rapunzel, Noah, etc.) with solid utility bursts that are best used at specific points throughout the manual play, or units (Private, Helm, etc.) with talents that make them effective even without their burst. A team’s fifth position is crucial; choosing a “sub” wisely will help you assemble the best possible squad.

Weapon Types

In the universe of Nikke, except for the burst varieties, the sorts of weapons play a significant part in formulating your team’s strategy. Several elements come into play, such as the range of the gun, the choice between Area of Effect (AoE) damage and Single Target (ST) damage, the creation of burst gauges (energy support), and the Rate of Fire (RoF). A more in-depth examination of these ideas is provided in the following paragraphs.

Additionally, there are six distinct kinds of weapons in the game, each of which has its own set of pros and disadvantages:

  • Shotgun (SG): Due to the spread-shot nature of the shotgun, its area of effect (AoE) may leave much to be desired, even though it is ideal for close-range combat. But it shines when damaging a single target and is particularly effective at producing bursts when employed in close quarters. The RoF might be deemed to be low.
  • Submachine Gun (SMG): When it comes to close to mid-range combat, the SMG is a flexible weapon that does not deliver any area-of-effect damage. It does a respectable amount of damage to a single target but could be more effective when producing bursts. Having a high RoF is the redeeming aspect of this situation.
  • Assault Rifle (AR):The AR is a versatile weapon that may be used in mid-range confrontations. Although it does not damage an immediate area of effect, it excels in dealing damage to a single target. Compared to the average, its burst generation and its RoF are balanced.
  • Machine Gun (MG): Although it is ideal for confrontations at medium to long ranges, the MG lacks AoE capabilities. Nevertheless, it does a substantial amount of damage to a single victim. Even though it is not particularly good in burst creation, it makes up for it with a very high RoF.
  • Sniper Rifle (SR): As a result of its penetrating rounds and muscular single-target damage, the Sniper Rifle can dominate the distant regions of the battlefield and provide some respectable area of effect damage. Despite having a low fire rate, it can keep up a decent burst creation rate.
  • Rocket Launcher (RL):The Rocket Launcher is unaffected by range limits and excels in area-of-effect damage. However, it needs to catch up when it hits a single target. The burst production that it produces is astounding, particularly when AoE hits are taken into consideration. It has a short range of fire, much like the Sniper Rifle and the Shotgun.

Range Ratings

In Nikke, one of the most critical aspects of strategy is to equip the proper weapons dependent on the number of adversaries within your range. It is necessary to choose a different gun for each kind of adversary, whether they are nearby or far away.

Even though this is a clear idea, the explanations provided inside the game could be deceptive. As follows, we will provide a breakdown of the specific adequate range numbers for each kind of weapon:

  • Close Range: Shotgun (0 ~ 25 units)
  • Close-Mid Range: Submachine Gun (15 ~ 35 units)
  • Mid Range: Assault Rifle (25 ~ 45 units)
  • Mid-Far Range: Machine Gun (35 ~ 55 units)
  • Far Range: Sniper Rifle (45 ~ 100 units)

When weapons land strikes on foes within their effective range, they get a range bonus, which also boosts the damage they do to those enemies.

The color of the crosshair changes to blue whenever an adversary is inside this advantage range. On the other hand, Rocket Launchers are not eligible for this range advantage.

The opposite is true when targeting adversaries beyond the weapon’s effective range; this results in a range penalty being applied. The sentence has the effect of lowering both the damage and hit rate of the character.

Because the hit rate is directly proportional to the precision of the shot, a reduction in the hit rate increases the likelihood that you will miss your photos.

Rocket Launchers and Sniper Rifles are exempt from this penalty since they are not impacted by the hit rate associated with them. The range penalty will increase if the distance between you and the adversary exceeds the weapon’s range.

Before engaging in battle, you can check the range of your foes by referring to the ‘effective range’ display in your game. Also accessible in the battlefield information is this particular piece of information.

One of the most critical factors determining your success on the battlefield is your ability to comprehend and implement these mechanics.

Area of Effect and Single Target

When playing Nikke, enemies might swarm in as many lesser raptures or offer a significant danger as a single potentially powerful rapture. Most of the time, you will find yourself in a conflict that involves both of these.

Even though the Area of Effect (AoE) damage that Rocket Launchers provide is readily apparent, more subtle dynamics at play determine AoE damage and the engagement of many enemies.

  1. Rocket Launchers: An ‘Explosion’ mechanism is included in every Rocket Launcher. This mechanism causes the Rocket Launcher’s attack to explode, dealing area-of-effect damage to the target and the surrounding area.
  2. Rocket Launchers: ‘Explosion Increase’ is a mechanic included with some Rocket Launcher units, such as Laplace, Vesti, and Belorta. This causes the radius of the explosion to grow, which in turn causes the area of effect damage to spread farther.
  3. Sniper and Some Units: Units like Harran, Alice, Maxwell, Snow White, Laplace, and Neve use a ‘Pierce’ mechanism in their gameplay. Because the bullets launched by these troops can penetrate the target, they can damage adversaries positioned behind the primary target.
  4. Shotguns: ‘Spread’ is a feature used by all shotguns. This mechanism causes the pellets to scatter across a short region, damaging the affected area.
  5. Machine Guns: The ‘High Rate of Fire’ mechanism is used by every machine gun. Because of their tremendous fire rate, they can effectively annihilate several foes in rapid succession.
  6. Specific Units: The ‘AoE Burst’ mechanism is present in several different units, including Scarlet, Harran, and Epinel, amongst others. They do significant area-of-effect damage with their bursts, which may eliminate an entire wave of foes in a single second.

Burst Gauge Generation

Nikke’s Burst Gauge Generation method specifies that various weapons will create varied quantities of energy every hit, regardless of the weapon type. When adopting units such as the liter, the dollar, and the volume, it is essential to generate appropriate burst energy production. This is because sustaining excellent burst uptime is dependent on this.

Finding one-of-a-kind units that generate energy in an uncommon burst is possible. Please refer to the page devoted to the Burst Gauge Generation for additional in-depth information about this element.

When it comes to the generation of burst gauge, the following is a comparison of the various kinds of weapons:

  1. Rocket Launcher (Clip Reload): Units like Anis and Centi can produce extremely high energy.
  2. Shotgun (Clip Reload): Individuals such as Drake, Sugar, Maiden, Pepper, and Neon can produce significant energy.
  3. Sniper Rifle: The vast majority of Sniper Rifles, with a few notable exceptions, guarantee adequate energy production.
  4. Rocket Launcher (Full Reload): Every other Rocket Launcher can produce some energy except for a few singular instances.
  5. Shotgun (Full Reload): The remaining shotguns are also responsible for creating some energy.
  6. Assault Rifle: With a few notable exceptions, assault rifles, which are pretty similar to shotguns, are capable of producing some amount of energy.
  7. Submachine Gun: Except for a few exceptional cases, every single Submachine Gun produces little energy.
  8. Machine Gun: It is well known that machine guns consistently produce low energy.